Matthew Edwards


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Celebrating the 2024 Special Olympics Massachusetts Summer Games

The 2024 Special Olympics MA Summer Games highlighted a weekend of courage, unity, and triumph at Harvard University. Athletes from across the commonwealth shined through five different sports as they competed at their highest level.

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Dorchester resident Mark Casey helps grow Special Olympics programs in Boston

Mark Casey coaches the Dorchester Blue Devils basketball team, where he promotes inclusivity and works to expand Special Olympics programs in and around Boston.

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10 Years of Cruiser Convoy!

This past June, Special Olympics Massachusetts celebrated its 10th year of the Cruiser Convoy, an event that goes hand in hand with The Law Enforcement Torch Run®.

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Partners On and Off the Field

I have been playing competitive sports for as long as I can remember. First it was soccer, then field hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, track and just about every other team sport out there.

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The Mind of an Intern: Q&A Edition

Ryan Vazza is an intern for Special Olympics Massachusetts through the Bank of America Student Leader Program. This program pairs juniors and seniors with nonprofits and allows them to work with these organizations for the summer.