People on the snow training
What We Do

We're changing the way the world sees individuals with intellectual disabilities.

In every neighborhood and town statewide we offer year round sports training and competition, recreational activities and leadership programs that develop self-confidence, independence, and create a sense of belonging.

Our commitment to inclusion extends beyond the sports arena and into our schools, community organizations, and local businesses. By fostering an environment of empowerment and compassion, we are not only transforming the experiences of our athletes but influencing societal perceptions and attitudes towards intellectual disabilities.

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Participants served
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Schools Served
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Communities served
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Fundraising events annually

Join our world,
it's better here.

Everyone deserves to feel valued, respected, and supported both on the playing field and in their everyday lives. That's why we made it our mission to build a community where individuals with and without disabilities can showcase their skills, nurture social connections, and live their best lives.

Our Programs

Have your best day, everyday.

Whether it's experiencing the exhilaration of competition or the camaraderie of teamwork, each day brings new possibilities and the chance to shine.

Baseball bat

Transformative Sports

Special Olympics Unified Sports® brings together athletes with and without intellectual disabilities to train and compete on the same team. Participants improve their physical fitness, sharpen their skills and learn acceptance and inclusion.

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School Building

Inclusive Schools

This partnership is designed to break down barriers and promote social inclusion through three core components: inclusive sports, youth leadership, and whole-school engagement.

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Community and teamwork

Community Led Fundraising

Special Olympics Massachusetts is made up of many communities who support the organization in their own way.

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Award Medal

Leadership Development

We provide training and support for individuals who want to grow their leadership skills and offer opportunities to hold positions of influence within the community.

Learn More 

“As a parent of a child with an intellectual disability… when they’re younger, you don’t expect your child to be a part of a team. We got to high school, and they had the Unified teams and it just, it changed everything.”

Tony Blatnica, father of Jake
Mission Statement

We're on a mission to create opportunities for all

Special Olympics Massachusetts is committed to providing year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, prepare for entry into school and community programs, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendships with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.


How you can help

01 | Fundraise

From plunging to rappelling and everything in-between—there are limitless ways to help raise funds that enable us to offer life-changing opportunities for athletes with intellectual disabilities.

Join A Fundraiser

02 | Volunteer

From being a coach on the field to a fan in the stands, there are limitless ways you can help transform the lives of over 14,000 athletes across the state.

Explore Ways To Volunteer

03 | Donate

Help us get one more athlete onto the playing field by lending us your support.


Helpful Links


Visit Our Facility

The Yawkey Sports Training Center is the official headquarters of Special Olympics Massachusetts. This 25,000 square foot state-of-the-art office and training center offers a wide array of uses.

Financial Report

Financial Information

We believe in the importance of transparency and accountability so that contributors like you can rest assured that your generous contributions are being utilized to create a meaningful difference.

Annual Report

Annual Report

Exciting changes, updates and celebrations—we offer a look into the incredible things that happened at Special Olympics Massachusetts over the past year.