Special Olympics MA Team


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The Keith Family: All In.

My family loves to get involved. I cannot remember a month without some sort of volunteer event or fundraiser. My mother calls it ‘Irish Charity’, and says that it is simply in our blood to do anything we can for those around us.

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Speed Skating is my Favorite Sport

An experienced World Games athlete, Adams, previously competed in 2009 World Games in Idaho and the Special Olympics National Games in Iowa. But for Adams the 2017 World Games in Austria was different.

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Berkshire County Arc athlete oldest competitor at Senior Sports Classic

Some adults might consider their athletic careers over after their 20’s or 30’s, but Edward Therrien of Pittsfield is still competing as a Special Olympics Massachusetts athlete at the age of 80.

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Special Olympics MA partners with Boston Public Schools to provide Unified sports across the district

So far, there are a total of 23 BPS that have committed to being a Unified Champion School, and Special Olympics MA is excited to continue growing that number.

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Three reasons why you should run the Boston Marathon for Special Olympics Massachusetts

Corinne Genova is a health and physical education teacher at Somerville High School, who had always dreamt of running the Boston Marathon.

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10,000 Steps a Day Debunked: Daily fitness goals should be individualized

Did you know how many steps you should take per day by walking? The advice that we should take 10,000 steps per day is more of a marketing concept than based on your health. Taking far fewer steps may have notable benefits.

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Dalene Basden Hall of Fame Induction

It has been decades since Dalene set her sights on providing Special Olympics Sports opportunities to her community in Lynn, MA. Dalene’s son was looking for a way to express his athleticism in the existing structure of youth and school...

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Ryan Dixon Hall of Fame Induction

To say Ryan Dixon is a worthy Special Olympics Massachusetts Hall of Famer is a bit of an understatement. Ryan has played almost every sport available in the state, raised many thousands of dollars through various fundraisers...