Coach Spotlight - Micah Barshay

Micah Barshay - Brookline Recreation

"Micah is extremely dedicated to all of the athletes and the program. He is kind, encourages us to work hard, and is very supportive. During this pandemic, Micah has gone above and beyond to help all of us get through this together. He has encouraged us to stay connected through Zoom calls and kept us updated about all of the activities Special Olympics offered. Micah helped me become a volunteer in the young athletes program this year. I love it and am very thankful to him. He has made an impact on many lives."

-Submitted by Dan O'Donnell

Micah Barshay - Brookline Recreation

"Micah is extremely dedicated to all of the athletes and the program. He is kind, encourages us to work hard, and is very supportive. During this pandemic, Micah has gone above and beyond to help all of us get through this together. He has encouraged us to stay connected through Zoom calls and kept us updated about all of the activities Special Olympics offered. Micah helped me become a volunteer in the young athletes program this year. I love it and am very thankful to him. He has made an impact on many lives."

-Submitted by Dan O'Donnell


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