Meet Xtra Mile Boston Marathon Runner Jennifer Giusti!

Meet the 2018 Xtra MileBoston Marathon Team helping us to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Special Olympics Movement by running 26.2 miles for inclusion!

Jennifer Giusti is just one of the runners on our 26 member Boston Marathon team who's not only making a difference in the lives of our athletes in 2018, but will have a lasting impact on Special Olympics Massachusetts that will help our movement and organization continue to support the athletes of today and tomorrow as we look forward towards the next 50 years of sports opportunities and inclusion!

Read on to learn more about Jennifer!

Where did you grow up? ''I grew up in Sharon, MA."

What does Special Olympics mean to you? ''Special Olympic has been part of my life since I was in high school.  I was a coach in High School and again in college.  I love the athletes.  We always had fun and the athletes are so inspirational."

How long have you been running? ''I have been running since Junior High school.  I am now 47 years old."

Have you ran a marathon before? ''I ran Boston 3 times however I feel like this is my first as it has been 17 years since I last ran the Boston Marathon."

What made you decide to run the Boston Marathon? ''My dad would take me to the Boston Marathon ever since I was a child.  I was always amazed with the runners."

Did you grow up watching the Boston Marathon/ volunteering? ''What made me want to run the Boston Marathon was because my dad would take me to the Boston Marathon as a little girl and I always thought it would be so cool to run it.  I really admired the runners."

What motivates you to go running when you really don't feel like it? ''The Special Olympic Athletes.  They have many challenge everyday they have to overcome and/or face.  They are my inspiration.'

What's the craziest thing on your bucket list? What on your bucket list that you've done that you are most proud of? ''On my bucket list I have boring things like I want to fall in love and get married and be part of a family.  Items on my bucket list that I am proud that I achieve are:

  • I was in the Miss Teen Pageant
  • I was an officer on a cruise ship and traveled around the world.
  • I lived in Africa and was a safari tour guide.
  • With learning disabilities, I earned my MBA and a Master of Science in Philanthropy and Media.
  • For 10 years I help bring over 120 children from the Chernobyl Region to the Boston Area for medical care.
  • I helped build a children's clinic in Chernobyl."

Do you have a motto? ''Everyday above ground is a good day."

Support Jennifer in her Fundraising Efforts Today!

Want to run, bike, or compete in a triathlon to support the athletes of Special Olympics Massachusetts? Join the Xtra Mile!

Meet the 2018 Xtra MileBoston Marathon Team helping us to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Special Olympics Movement by running 26.2 miles for inclusion!

Jennifer Giusti is just one of the runners on our 26 member Boston Marathon team who's not only making a difference in the lives of our athletes in 2018, but will have a lasting impact on Special Olympics Massachusetts that will help our movement and organization continue to support the athletes of today and tomorrow as we look forward towards the next 50 years of sports opportunities and inclusion!

Read on to learn more about Jennifer!

Where did you grow up? ''I grew up in Sharon, MA."

What does Special Olympics mean to you? ''Special Olympic has been part of my life since I was in high school.  I was a coach in High School and again in college.  I love the athletes.  We always had fun and the athletes are so inspirational."

How long have you been running? ''I have been running since Junior High school.  I am now 47 years old."

Have you ran a marathon before? ''I ran Boston 3 times however I feel like this is my first as it has been 17 years since I last ran the Boston Marathon."

What made you decide to run the Boston Marathon? ''My dad would take me to the Boston Marathon ever since I was a child.  I was always amazed with the runners."

Did you grow up watching the Boston Marathon/ volunteering? ''What made me want to run the Boston Marathon was because my dad would take me to the Boston Marathon as a little girl and I always thought it would be so cool to run it.  I really admired the runners."

What motivates you to go running when you really don't feel like it? ''The Special Olympic Athletes.  They have many challenge everyday they have to overcome and/or face.  They are my inspiration.'

What's the craziest thing on your bucket list? What on your bucket list that you've done that you are most proud of? ''On my bucket list I have boring things like I want to fall in love and get married and be part of a family.  Items on my bucket list that I am proud that I achieve are:

  • I was in the Miss Teen Pageant
  • I was an officer on a cruise ship and traveled around the world.
  • I lived in Africa and was a safari tour guide.
  • With learning disabilities, I earned my MBA and a Master of Science in Philanthropy and Media.
  • For 10 years I help bring over 120 children from the Chernobyl Region to the Boston Area for medical care.
  • I helped build a children's clinic in Chernobyl."

Do you have a motto? ''Everyday above ground is a good day."

Support Jennifer in her Fundraising Efforts Today!

Want to run, bike, or compete in a triathlon to support the athletes of Special Olympics Massachusetts? Join the Xtra Mile!


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