Recipes to make water more fun!

You probably know you should drink 5 glasses of water a day, but sometimes that's hard to do when there are so many other flavorful drinks out there. Here are some fruit and water recipes to make drinking water fun! The natural sweetness from the fruit will make your drink taste sweet without added sugar.

Get a water bottle with an infuser, or put fruit in your bottle and fill with cold water. You can even fill a bottle or pitcher with fruit and water and leave it overnight in the fridge. Then strain the water in the morning and enjoy your fruit infused water! If you like the fizz you get with soda and carbonated drinks, try adding fruit to seltzer water.

Blueberries & Orange Water

Add blueberries and orange slices to your water. Even try some raspberries for added flavor!

blueberry orange water

Lemon Water

Sliced lemon is a simple infused water, and very refreshing! For a bonus try adding some mint leaves.

lemon water

Strawberry Water

Add sliced strawberries to your water for a sweet summer taste all year round!

strawberry infused water

You probably know you should drink 5 glasses of water a day, but sometimes that's hard to do when there are so many other flavorful drinks out there. Here are some fruit and water recipes to make drinking water fun! The natural sweetness from the fruit will make your drink taste sweet without added sugar.

Get a water bottle with an infuser, or put fruit in your bottle and fill with cold water. You can even fill a bottle or pitcher with fruit and water and leave it overnight in the fridge. Then strain the water in the morning and enjoy your fruit infused water! If you like the fizz you get with soda and carbonated drinks, try adding fruit to seltzer water.

Blueberries & Orange Water

Add blueberries and orange slices to your water. Even try some raspberries for added flavor!

blueberry orange water

Lemon Water

Sliced lemon is a simple infused water, and very refreshing! For a bonus try adding some mint leaves.

lemon water

Strawberry Water

Add sliced strawberries to your water for a sweet summer taste all year round!

strawberry infused water

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