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From His First High-5 Tunnel to Final Leg: Why Officer Chris Liacos Considers LETR Second Family

Officer Chris Liacos' LETR journey started at a Flag Football State Tournament. He has since found family and inclusion in Special Olympics—reflecting the impact of Law Enforcement partnerships across the state.

'Screaming it from the rooftops!' Why Sgt. Kirckpatrick joined the 2024 Final Leg

Sgt. Kirkpatrick's journey with Special Olympics started with a friend's invitation. Since then, she has made heartfelt connections with athletes and massively grown her involvement!

Cycling for a Cause: Anne Marie Salvon Pedals the Xtra Mile for Special Olympics MA

Anne Marie Salvon pedals for a purpose with Kevin’s Krewe, fundraising for Special Olympics MA as part of the Xtra Mile. Their impact extends beyond dollars, fostering inclusion and inspiring others to embrace compassion.


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Educating the Educators: Special Olympics MA hosts first Annual UCS Conference

On Friday, October 6th school leaders from around the state enthusiastically joined Special Olympics MA at Bentley University for the Unified Champion Schools Conference.

Xtra Mile cycling team, Kevin’s Krewe gears up for Connecticut Valley Century Ride and hopes to double participation by next year

Kevin’s Krewe rides in the Connecticut Valley Century Ride (COVAC) as part of the Special Olympics Ma Xtra Mile, and has raised more than $20,000 this year.

Andover Unified Pickleball Classic bridges fundraising with community

What began as just an idea to bring pickleball to Special Olympics Massachusetts has grown into a full day pickleball tournament and community event.

Three reasons why you should run the Boston Marathon for Special Olympics Massachusetts

Corinne Genova is a health and physical education teacher at Somerville High School, who had always dreamt of running the Boston Marathon.

Worcester State University Special Olympics Cheerleading Program Heads to Gillette

When Special Olympics cheerleaders stepped onto the field during the last local flag football game of the season at Worcester State University, they were met with a wave of support from football players, coaches, families, and friends.

National Volunteer Week!

National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration to recognize volunteers who lend their time and talent to support causes they care about within their communities.

250 miles by the end of 2020

Meet the top fundraiser from the past few years of the Peabody Holiday Torch Run.

Your favorite moments of 2019!

What an incredible year 2019 has been! We asked everyone on social media to share their favorite moments with us and we got some great responses. Here’s what you all shared as your favorite moments of the year.

Why I'm Thankful

Here at Special Olympics Massachusetts, we have a lot to be thankful for. We are thankful for the incredible support we see every day in every community across our amazing commonwealth.

The Mind of an Intern: Q&A Edition

Ryan Vazza is an intern for Special Olympics Massachusetts through the Bank of America Student Leader Program. This program pairs juniors and seniors with nonprofits and allows them to work with these organizations for the summer.

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Meet the 2024 Hall of Fame Class: The Oates Family

The Oates family, inspired by son Justin's Special Olympics journey, celebrated for their dedication and advocacy.Their father and husband, Paul, shaped their bond and community impact, culminating in their Hall of Fame induction.

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Pro Sports Preview: 2024 PGA Championship

Special Olympics Massachusetts Golfer, Tyler Lagasse breaks down the field and previews the 2024 edition of the PGA Championship. Learn a bit of history and get a sense for what storylines may play out on the course.

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Pro Sports Recap: 2024 PGA Championship

Special Olympics Massachusetts Golfer, Tyler Lagasse reacts to the 2024 edition of the PGA Championship. The week of action on and off the course was unprecedented!