New Year, New Wellness Goals!

new year goals

With the new year comes new goals! New Year's resolutions can seem so daunting. How are you going to do something consistently for a whole year??

Here are some tips for sticking with your 2020 wellness and fitness goals:

  • Try breaking your resolutions into more specific actions. Instead of "exercise more," your resolution could be "take a walk every Wednesday." Instead of a broad goal to "drink more water" you could get an app that reminds you to drink water throughout the day.
  • Make monthly resolutions. In January you could focus on drinking more water. In February, work on eating fruits and veggies with every meal, and so on.
  • Put it on your calendar. If you have "exercise" or "drink water" on your calendar you will remember to do it and can treat it like an appointment.
  • Ask a friend to join you. Exercising and eating healthy are more fun when you have someone to do it with
  • Challenge yourself to keep your resolution for just 2 months. Studies have shown that if you do something for 2 months it becomes a routine. The more familiar the new behavior feels, the less you will have to remind yourself each day.

Here's a healthy recipe to keep you warm this winter or help kick start your 2020 wellness goals.

Slow cooker turkey chili with quinoa, black beans and sweet potato!

new year goals

With the new year comes new goals! New Year's resolutions can seem so daunting. How are you going to do something consistently for a whole year??

Here are some tips for sticking with your 2020 wellness and fitness goals:

  • Try breaking your resolutions into more specific actions. Instead of "exercise more," your resolution could be "take a walk every Wednesday." Instead of a broad goal to "drink more water" you could get an app that reminds you to drink water throughout the day.
  • Make monthly resolutions. In January you could focus on drinking more water. In February, work on eating fruits and veggies with every meal, and so on.
  • Put it on your calendar. If you have "exercise" or "drink water" on your calendar you will remember to do it and can treat it like an appointment.
  • Ask a friend to join you. Exercising and eating healthy are more fun when you have someone to do it with
  • Challenge yourself to keep your resolution for just 2 months. Studies have shown that if you do something for 2 months it becomes a routine. The more familiar the new behavior feels, the less you will have to remind yourself each day.

Here's a healthy recipe to keep you warm this winter or help kick start your 2020 wellness goals.

Slow cooker turkey chili with quinoa, black beans and sweet potato!


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