Coach Spotlight - James Sheridan

James Sheridan - West Springfield

"Jim has been very active as a coach and assistant coach for many years, covering all of our sports year round including flag football, basketball, softball and now with football, soccer skills, and cornhole. Jim steps in for any quick turnaround when something needs to get done quickly, helping with equipment or anything needed at all with the athletes. Jim has also helped in securing funds through organizations like Knights or Columbus and the Lions club, and both he and his wife Maureen are always there to help in any fundraiser ideas and collecting raffle prizes. He is a great mentor and leader for all of out athletes!"-Submitted by Lynn McCarthy

James Sheridan - West Springfield

"Jim has been very active as a coach and assistant coach for many years, covering all of our sports year round including flag football, basketball, softball and now with football, soccer skills, and cornhole. Jim steps in for any quick turnaround when something needs to get done quickly, helping with equipment or anything needed at all with the athletes. Jim has also helped in securing funds through organizations like Knights or Columbus and the Lions club, and both he and his wife Maureen are always there to help in any fundraiser ideas and collecting raffle prizes. He is a great mentor and leader for all of out athletes!"-Submitted by Lynn McCarthy


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