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Special Olympics MA Athletes Show Gratitude for State Senators and Reps for Supporting Inclusion

On Wednesday, March 27th, Special Olympics Massachusetts athletes, community members, and staff headed to the State House to thank Rep. Garballey and other State Senators and Representatives who have demonstrated ongoing support.

Five tips on how to combat cold & flu season from Fitness Captain Jenny Price

Special Olympics MA Fitness Captain Jenny Price provides five tips on how you can stay healthy during cold and flu season.

Educating the Educators: Special Olympics MA hosts first Annual UCS Conference

On Friday, October 6th school leaders from around the state enthusiastically joined Special Olympics MA at Bentley University for the Unified Champion Schools Conference.


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From Athlete to Coach

The experience of being a coach taught me how to pass along my experience to others, see the development of one or more athletes, and giving them something to learn about when playing that sport.

Q & A with athlete Amanda Church

Amanda Church is a Special Olympics athlete with the LIFE Program on the Cape. Amanda has been competing in Special Olympics for more than 15 years and currently competes in basketball, swimming, and soccer.

Wellness Wednesday with Beth

As a freshly minted Special OlympicsHealth Messenger, Beth will be helping to share wellness tips to make sure we are all staying healthy during and in-between sports seasons.

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Wellness Wednesday with Beth
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Mother/daughter Unified pair to compete in bocce

Madgalena Margelony of Shrewsbury decided 84 was the perfect age to start playing bocce with her daughter Theresa as a Unified partner.

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Our Experience with Special Olympics

Our son Aaron was a shy, tall, timid and very active boy. In first grade his teacher recommended we sign him up for Special Olympics. What an AMAZING door of experiences and opportunities that opened for Aaron and our family.

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Student grows Unified programs in Boston Public Schools

Kaylie DeCosmo has a goal to grow Unified programming in Boston Public Schools, and with the help of Special Olympics, she's going to make it a reality.